If I’m being completely truthful, there’s only two things in this world worth living for (okay, see, I didn’t say surviving, right? so completely analyze the FACTS before you directly jump to the conclusion that the person writing this is a maniac. though she might be. just sayin’. A FAIR WARNING) : 1) reading 2) writing
And since we usually talk about reading on here, and though it is the best thing in the world, and generally very, very amazing, we shall talk about WRITING today because I do not want to have people getting bored and running away, right? WRONG because I have been very brave and daring and also unusually stupid (did this even come as a surprise? i really don’t think so), I have decided to partcipate in NaNoWriMo this year and I am scared and nervous and excited and aghhh, YOU DO NOT LIKE BEING TRAMPLED UPON BY ALL THE EMOTIONS ALL AT ONCE AND END UP LIKE A MELTED, DIRT FILLED LITTLE PUDDLE OF AN ICE CANDY WAITING FOR SOME DREAMY LITTLE PERSON TO STEP ON YOU AND RUIN THEIR NEW, GORGEOUS LITTLE SHOES, OKAY! so. lo behold, my brand new NaNoWriMo account.
Continue reading “An Introduction to my NaNoWriMo Novel || LOTS of sand + illusions + unnamed characters + AESTHETICS + I AM INSANELY EXCITED”