i want to do STUFF this november (welcome to nablowrimo and all the rest of my fake promises to the universe)

i have this two-year streak of failing nanowrimo where i start the month convinced i’ll ace it this time but end it screaming. and i kind of want to keep it going.

it’s the thirty-first of october, my email is doomed with more ‘this is how you win nano’ messages than i can possibly read in a lifetime, and so am i because i don’t have an outline yet. or like. anything resembling, no matter how loosely, a coherent-looking story idea. i haven’t blogged about any of it either. AND WHERE’S THE FUN IN NANOWRIMO IF I CAN’T SCREAM ABOUT IT ON THE INTERNET AND EVERYWHERE I GO?

in 2022, i pulled an all-nighter and wrote up ten pages worth of notes, most of which were made up of all-caps screams. but i used gel pens and at least they looked pretty.

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