explanations, introductions, and restarting (??) my blog // certain lifely things and an all-o’er-the-place post

the person writing this is currently a melted ice candy due to the unbearable heat and the air conditioner that isn’t working.

i can tell you from personal experience that being a melted ice candy isn’t the best thing in the world. you miss out on all the important things in the world. like:

  • reading books you’ve already read for the 274th time just because you can
  • writing words into the heartless void
  • talking about all the books you’ve always meant to write and about how desperately you love the crows. BECAUSE THEY’RE LIFE GOSHDARNIT
  • typing faster than your fingers can keep up and then ending up with numb hands that do nothing. (this is a nightly occurrence around here and i still haven’t learnt my lesson)
  • screaming. about the unfairness of real life and everything it entails. (ice candies don’t have mouths capable of spouting off words ok)
  • crying a little.
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