January Inked on Paper || Tears, olives and the raven boys

In a very unexpected turn of events, January ended up being pretty amazing.

I mean what do you call:

  • Getting back into Fantasy and devouring them ALL
  • FINDING A NEW FAVORITE AND SCREAMING ABOUT IT (we’re talking about the raven boys, if you had not guessed that already)
  • It rained here after 2736728292910* years of no rain (EXCITEMENT)
  • Reaching 300 followers on bookstagram
  • Not having to go to school because IT WAS ALL ONLINE
  • Getting obsessed with the raven boys and GANSEY
  • Drowning in gorgeously written books
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A smol announcement + Updates on the Olive || Me thanking everyone and asking for questions and also handing out heaps of chocolates because olives are TOO PRECIOUS (and i’m greedy)

Sometimes… you wish you could live in a fantasy world.

Like, if you said you never once wished to go to Camp Half-blood, then I’d arrive at either one of two conclusions – 1) You’re a demigod AND HIDING IT FROM ALL OF US (which is just #rude) or 2) YOU AREN’T HUMAN.
See? How easily just one simple, seemingly unimportant question can BASICALLY UNCOVER ALL OF YOUR DEEPEST, DARKEST SECRETS!

Continue reading “A smol announcement + Updates on the Olive || Me thanking everyone and asking for questions and also handing out heaps of chocolates because olives are TOO PRECIOUS (and i’m greedy)”

September Inked on Paper || late wrap – ups are my tradition, okay?! And I was busy


How DO people stick to schedules?* I NEED TO KNOW YOUR SECRETS, because it would be really helpful for many things such as:

  • writing monthly recaps on time (seriously, this one is SO on time, I am the most punctual human on Earth, I can’t even – WHY. IS. THIS. SO. LATE???)
  • reading ARC’s before they expire
  • reading library books before they have to be returned (WHY DO I HAVE TO RETURN THEM AT ALL?? this is such an unfair world)
  • Going to bed early so that you do not accidentaly doze off while you’re supossed to be learning about cell structures
  • not studying for tests 5 minutes before class because YOU FORGOT
  • not forgetting to breathe because ugh, I need to live
  • publishing blog posts on time
  • not losing memory
Continue reading “September Inked on Paper || late wrap – ups are my tradition, okay?! And I was busy”

explanations, introductions, and restarting (??) my blog // certain lifely things and an all-o’er-the-place post

the person writing this is currently a melted ice candy due to the unbearable heat and the air conditioner that isn’t working.

i can tell you from personal experience that being a melted ice candy isn’t the best thing in the world. you miss out on all the important things in the world. like:

  • reading books you’ve already read for the 274th time just because you can
  • writing words into the heartless void
  • talking about all the books you’ve always meant to write and about how desperately you love the crows. BECAUSE THEY’RE LIFE GOSHDARNIT
  • typing faster than your fingers can keep up and then ending up with numb hands that do nothing. (this is a nightly occurrence around here and i still haven’t learnt my lesson)
  • screaming. about the unfairness of real life and everything it entails. (ice candies don’t have mouths capable of spouting off words ok)
  • crying a little.
Continue reading “explanations, introductions, and restarting (??) my blog // certain lifely things and an all-o’er-the-place post”