How DO people stick to schedules?* I NEED TO KNOW YOUR SECRETS, because it would be really helpful for many things such as:
- writing monthly recaps on time (seriously, this one is SO on time, I am the most punctual human on Earth, I can’t even – WHY. IS. THIS. SO. LATE???)
- reading ARC’s before they expire
- reading library books before they have to be returned (WHY DO I HAVE TO RETURN THEM AT ALL?? this is such an unfair world)
- Going to bed early so that you do not accidentaly doze off while you’re supossed to be learning about cell structures
- not studying for tests 5 minutes before class because YOU FORGOT
- not forgetting to breathe because ugh, I need to live
- publishing blog posts on time
- not losing memory
yeah, well, a short list. BUT we should stop here I could continue tho because ~time~ is precious. or so people seem to believe.
*aren’t schedules a form of procrastination made to help you feel better about yourself and then meant to be forgotten until after the deadlines have long been left behind? And lots of screaming and screeching and crying have all occurred too?

Do not talk to me about reading. I know that is basically the purpose of this blog, but MY READING MONTH HAS BEEN TERRIBLE, I do not want to talk about it. I only read three books, and I haven’t completed even a single book this month even though half the month is over?? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME UGH

- Fairest by Marissa Meyer ★★★★☆ – ahem. what would you say if I told you that levana is my new favorite character and I love her more than cinder and scarlet combined?
- On the Fence by Kasie West ★★★☆ ☆ – ehhh, nice idea and easy to read, but… not the best kasie west novel and I am also just not in the contemporary mood (stop reminding me that summer is over and I wont have it back for sooooooooooooo long, okay?)
- The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes ★★★★☆ – what can I say? I just love clever protagonists who can solve complicated riddles. i do not remember mysteries being so good
But quality wise my reading month was GOOD! Can you see those two shining four star ratings? NICE

I actually have something useful to put in here for once in my entire blogging life?

We reached 50 followers!! Agh, I am SO HAPPY, I – Just, thank you so, so, so much! This means a lot to me, and THANK YOU! I am smiling and I look like a lunatic and does anyone else think smiling emojis have really creepy eyes like it’s going to come murder you or something?? just asking, don’t look at me like that
Also here’s a poll for what kinds of posts you want more of, because right now I’m confused and I have so many ideas and I do not know what to do, so help is greatly appreciated. (also, I learnt how to add polls in posts! YASS, MY LIFE IS A SUCCESS)
I made a bookstagram account somewhere near mid-september and posted 4 times and then forgot about it?? Like I didn’t really forget but uh, ~motivation~. I actually also took a photo after so long what is wrong with me?? Four years ago I used to be this photography obsessed little human and then I started hating it and now… I don’t know, I still don’t like it much, but its O.K.A.Y. Basically Bookstagram is really different from what I thought it would be and well, ill try better next month (ahem. this is october. I believe that is the supossed next month we’re talking about here?) maybe. anyway, here’s the link to my account and leave me your accounts/usernames/handles/whatever-you-call-it in the comments. and TIPS ARE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED! THANK YOU
Blog hopping has been terrible I am still VERRRRRY behind on all the posts in my reader. I’m sorry. I’ve been trying. Ah well. I also need to stop filling in so many blog tour forms because apparently you get ACCEPTED for blog tours, who even knew? My netgalley is a mess. so many books are about to expire and agh, why did I have to request so many??
AND I AM ALSO BEHIND ON MY GOODREADS CHALLENGE. again. why does it feel like most of this year has just been me stressing over the fact that I am ALWAYS behind on my challenge?? I reduced the number half way through the year but I am still behind??
August Wrap Up – looking back, I think this was unnecessarily long and I am going to reduce the size and content of my future –and present- wrap ups because no one likes overly long posts, right?)
Why Bookworms are a threat to Society – THIS WAS SUCH FUN, I WANT TO WRITE IT ALL OVER AGAIN. Also this was like the first post that I did not completely change start to finish before publishing?? I AM HAPPY
The Inheritance Games Book Review – lets just say it’s a good thing I finally managed to review a book I read and ignore the quality of said review, shall we?
I had hopes. and those hopes did not include posting only three times but ah well, three is better than two. or one. or none at all. yeah, that was uplifting. Definitely.
- Sophie @ Me and Ink talks about whether her reviews are worth following, and all her points literally speak to me!
- April @ Booked till Midnight reviews The Other Merlin, and NOW I AM EXCITED
- Andrea @ Andrea’s Book Corner talks about 5 Bookish Things everyone loves, and I AGREE SO MUCH
- Nehal @ Quirky Pages shares some poems she wrote, and DID I EVER MENTION THAT THEY ARE PURE GOLD??
- Pannaga @ State of Craze shares this piece she wrote and it is SO BEAUTIFUL, GO READ IT, PLEASE
- Cherry @ Letters to the Lost shares reasons why We Hunt the Flames is so gorgeous and amazing, and I. NEED. TO. READ. IT.
- Rachel @ A Bookworm’s Paradise shares We Hunt the Flames Quotes as real life moments and THE IDEA IS SO UNIQUE!
- J @ Midnight Book Blog reviews Iron Widow and I DESPERATELY NEED TO READ THE BOOK
- Saima @ Stories with Saima reviews Wendy, Darling, and their reviews are always so amazing!
- Jayathi @ It’s just a coffee addicted Bibliophile review It all comes back to you, and I cannot wait for this book!
- Panaga @ State of Craze releases the first issue of her magazine, The Lost Letters, and it is all SO GORGEOUS, I LOVE IT! Also there’s my poem too in there so. Here’s the link to her post.
- Ashmita @ The Fictional Journal celebrates her 1 year blogiversary AND HER BLOG IS SO GORGEOUS
- Andrea @ Andrea’s Book Corner tells us about Camp NaNoWriMo and it was so helpful
- J @ Midnight Book Blog shares some tips and tricks on writing reviews, and I desperately needed it, okay

- It was my birthday on the 29th and it was fun. There was food and food is heaven so. AND I’M ALSO GETTING THE SIX OF CROWS DUOLOGY BUT IT ISN’T DELIEVERED YET, BUT MY BRAIN IS AN INCH AWAY FROM COMBUSTION DUE TO OVER EXCITEMENT. Send help.
- I’ve been watching lots of kids comedy shows because I love laughing, okay. I am currently watching Alexa and Katie, and I AM OBSESSED.
- I’ve been debating whether to partcipate in NaNoWriMo since MONTHS now, and I think I will this year? Because otherwise the next time I’ll actually write anything will be in the summer vacations of 2022 and that is very faaar away. But that said, I also have exams in November, and this is going to be difficult and I don’t know if I’ll actually be able to write so much, and I am scared, so please send some good luck my way? THANKS!
- I had exams and they actually went well? I did not think they would, but they did, I am happy
- Agh, I can never remember what happened in this thing people like to refer to as “life” whenever I am thinking up stuff for my “life snippets” section.

- Write my reviews (obviously though, no pressure. No pressure at all) ❌ reviews have taken to haunting my life recently. RUDE CREATURES OF THE UNIVERSE
- Better quality posts❌✅I don’t know. I like my why bookworms are a threat to society post, but the rest were just ehh-
- Read 5 books? ❌ Can you stop humiliating me like that?
- At least 2 of them should be ARCs ❌
- Prepare for exams (which also means STOP PROCRASTINATING!) ✅ I mean I got good marks, so?
- Stop putting off commenting on people’s posts, because it’s rude ❌ I am sorry, okay?
- STOP FORGETTING EVERYTHING! ❌ I cannot give up my personality! Who created this goal??
- Time management! Which involves sticking to my blogging schedule and completing homework. and not at midnight because i forgot! ❌ I FORGOT
- Get started with school assignments. And finish them too? Please?✅ How else do you think I am still alive and breathing and over here?
- Work on my novel ❌ I WISH. DOES THINKING ABOUT IT COUNT? Because I did some small teensy little bit of that
- Have some fun ❌✅ kind of. but not really
- While eating olives ❌ I ate very few olives?? what kind of month was this?
- Because it’s also my birthday month! ✅ See, this is why I call myself a genius. state the obvious and make them goals. it is so simple to feel proud of yourself that way, stupid little human over there
- better quality posts (I am serious, okay!)
- Write my reviews (atleast 5)
- Start outlining my NaNo Novel
- Stick to my posting schedule

I swear, I had this drafted like two weeks ago, but only now did I get the time to sit down and edit this?? LATE MONTHLY WRAP UPS ARE MY TRADITION, what can I say? Anyway, how was your September? How many books did you read?? Are you participating in NaNoWriMo?? If yes, tell me about your novels! Any plans for October? How has life been treating you in general? Any posts you’d like to see more of??
I AM ALSO TERRIBLE WITH SCHEDULES- WHY CAN’T LIBRARIES GIVE ME MORE TIME TO REAAADDD UghHH, half the time I don’t even end up reading my library books because they get overdue 🙁 oohhh I thought fairest was an interesting read.. I kind of understand what made levana so eVil after reading it but then again felt sympathy for her which I did not want to feel *anger* andd ahhh I loved inheritance games glad to hear you enjoyed it!! EEK ALSO CONGRATS ON 50 FOLLOWERS!! Also happy belated birthday ??? this was such a fun post to read, I really enjoyed it!!
AGHHH SCHEDULES ARE UTTER TORTURE WHO EVEN CREATED THEM?? EXACTLY! Ahh, me too, I desperately need to correct that but like time?? Lol, exactly! I hated Levana in both Cinder and Scarlet so much but now I love her. So glad to hear that! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Thank you! That makes me so glad to hear!
Whenever I get behind on my schedule, I just change it. ? Work smarter not harder.
Haha, yes! Thank you Maya!
ahh.. I loved reading this wrap-up !! Firstly, congrats on 50 followers!! ?❤️? That’s amazing and I know I am only just joining your blogging party but I think you deserve so many more followers too, I love the set up of your blog and everything *chef’s kiss*. I wish I had some tips on scheduling but as my life so clearly depicts I do not…. I had one solid year of being organised in 2019 but then I lost it and I an now just been in a constant state of ‘I should have done that’.
I’m glad you enjoyed two of your reads in September… I have read fairest and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Levana’s story, even if I was a little concerned too !! ?
Happy belated birthday, I hope you had a wonderful day !! Also, good luck with your exams and NaNoWriMo. I contemplated doing it this year but… idk, I’m scared ?? but I am sending good vibes your way.
Thank you so much for sharing my post. It means a lot and I’m sooo glad you liked it !! ❤️❤️ (btw I am happy with any type of posts, I do have a soft spot for discussions, lists and writing posts though). I hope you having a great October !!
Ahh, thank you so much!!! Aww, really? That means so much to me, Sophie, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I relate. Too much. I had a comparatively good schedule at the beginning of the year, and I even followed it (kind of) but then everything came down.
Yes, so glad to hear you enjoyed it too!
Thank you!
Ahh, thank you so much! Yes, I understand, but I hope you have fun if you decide to participate!
Aww, no problem! Okay, keeping that in mind!
THANK YOU SO MUCH, SOPHIE! Hope you’re having an amazing October!
I LOVED this post!! First off, schedules are a nightmare! ? The way I get around it is, I say I post once a week and I don’t have a certain day! ? I agree, library books are so hard to keep track of and return. ? Have a lovely day,
-flora ?
Ahh, that makes me so glad! Thank you so much! YES, THEY MOST DEFINITELY ARE! That actually is pretty clever! Yes, they are! Thank you, hope you have a lovely day too!!
Once upon a time, Rachel had a blogging schedule – can you imagine?! I gave up on it tho so the universe is still okay.
Congratulations on 50 followers!
Soo I was one of the people who said I’d suggest post stuff in the comments – but basically here’s the thing – I’d read anything you write, so write anything, as long as it is passionate!!
Also, THANK YOU for mentioning my post!!
I swear, that is the best excuse I’ve ever heard for not sticking to a schedule, okay!? I should steal it –
Thank you so much!
Ahhh, really?? That just makes me SO GLAD! THANK YOU RACHEL!!! ❤️❤️
happy late birthday and congrats on 50 followers!!
Thank you so much!
Ah I’m also so bad at posting on time ? I’ve only posted like twice this month and I really need to step it up :’) Thank you so much for mentioning my post btw and congrats on your exams and on 50 followers!! Also good luck with NaNo, hope you have fun!
Haha, I wish days had more than 24 hours. And good luck with that, can’t wait for more of your content! Thank you so much Cherry!
thank you for the shoutout!! congrats on reaching 50+ followers, and I hope you had an amazing birthday and are having a lovely October <3
You’re welcome! Thank you so much!!! Hope you’re having an amazing October so far too!
[…] Anoushka- Dipped in Ink […]
50 followers ahhh that is AMAZING! Hope u had a great birthday<33
Thank you so much!!! Ahh, yes, it was good! Hope you’re having a great month!
AMZING POST ANOUSHKAAAA!!!! I just discovered your blog ✨ Congrats on 50+ followers! 1 more added in your list ?
Ahhh, thank you so much!!! ❤❤
“stop reminding me that summer is over and I wont have it back for sooooooooooooo long”
– I can’t even tell you how much I relate ?✋. I don’t like winters!!!
This was a great wrap up, Anoushka! And oh gosh, you mentioned my poem ???. Thanks so much!!!!!
Me neither ??
Ahh, thank you so much Nehal!!! ❤️
Your poems are AMAZING!
Thankssss ??
hskjkj mood on always being late tho – I try to get my wrap ups up on the first of the next month and it is always such a struggle! and happy late birthday!!
Ahhh, YES, same! I can understand, I tried doing that in the beginning of the year but it never really worked so I quit ? Thank you so much!
Hi ! You have been Nominated https://curlythoughtsbymerlyn757859579.wordpress.com/2021/11/10/awards-and-tags%f0%9f%8e%89%e2%9c%a8/
Thank you!
Your welcome?
I’m majorly behind on my blog right now too. I took a break without really meaning to and now I have a year & a half worth of most anticipated posts to share, all my reviews for this & last year plus 16 tags. Most of its actually typed up although a lot of the tags need finishing but I have no idea how I’ll ever get it all posted. ?
Also my best advice reading wise is to try not to stress too much about the numbers. I did that and it kept pushing me into reading slumps /: plus at least you enjoyed the books you read.
I hope your exams are going well and that you’re enjoying NaNoWriMo if you ended up doing it. Sophies Corner has shared a lot of helpful posts linked to it in past years.
Aaah, I am sorry, but don’t worry, you can do this!! It might take some time, but you’ll get to it, I’m sure of it! And I cannot wait to read all of your posts!
Yess, thank you! Haha, even though I try not to worry about quantity too much, there’s always this constant pressure that everyone’s doing better than me, and well, no matter how hard you try, it’s always there, you know? But I shall try, THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE ADVICE!
Yes, everything’s been pretty good, thank you so much! ooh, I’ll be sure to check them out, thanks for recommending! Hope you’re having an amazing day!! And once again, thanks so much for this comment and for reading!
Thank you so much ?
I totally get that. Its so hard not to compare your reading to others. Or worry about catching up on your TBR
Glad to hear it (: & thank you. Hope you have a wonderful December.
congrats on reaching 50 followers! thats a huge achievement!! and i such at sticking to challenges. i’ll start and never finish them.
Thank you so much!!! Haha, me too, its sad. Hope you’re having a great day!