January Inked on Paper || Tears, olives and the raven boys

In a very unexpected turn of events, January ended up being pretty amazing.

I mean what do you call:

  • Getting back into Fantasy and devouring them ALL
  • FINDING A NEW FAVORITE AND SCREAMING ABOUT IT (we’re talking about the raven boys, if you had not guessed that already)
  • It rained here after 2736728292910* years of no rain (EXCITEMENT)
  • Reaching 300 followers on bookstagram
  • Not having to go to school because IT WAS ALL ONLINE
  • Getting obsessed with the raven boys and GANSEY
  • Drowning in gorgeously written books

SEE? I WAS A LUCKY OLIVE. Unfortunately, February DOES NOT seem to be treating me half as kindly, which is sad.**

*two years. that means two years
**okay, i do realize that we are only two days into February but most of those things just went down the drain. namely, OFFLINE SCHOOL IS STARTING AND…. excuse me while i drown in tears

Despite the fact that i read…. i read…. only…… 4 books this month, IT WAS STILL GOOD OKAY. Mostly because: 1) I ABSOLUTELY LOVED MOST OF THE BOOKS THAT I READ and 2) i started reading so many books all at the same time (because CONFUSION, my old friend, hello!) and now I’m almost done with so many of them BUT NOT COMPLETELY DONE 3) I also read a good deal of webtoons, but they haven’t been included here. 4) WHAT ELSE COULD I CALL IT IF RAVEN BOYS WAS THERE TOO, HMM??

We call it #Winning*


Heartstopper Volume I by Alice Oseman ★★★★☆ [4⭐] – I can completely see why people are in the habit of screaming about this so much! AND I AM GLADLY JOINING IN THANK YOU!

Heartstopper Volume II by Alice Oseman ★★★★☆ [4⭐] – All the characters are precious little olives that we need to forever protect *glares*

The Half-Orphan’s Handbook by Joan F. Smith ★☆☆☆☆ [1.5⭐] – The characters were annoying, the writing was eh, the story bored me, and it does not help that i went in with insanely high expectations. DISAPPOINTMENT OF THE FINEST LEVEL (but like, there were some mentions of CHOCOLATE, which saved it a little)

* #Winning in basically everything other than the goodreads challenges, but SHHHH we do not talk about that

  • The Percy Jackson adaptation! – If you have a reputation of being a potato and not knowing what we’re talking about, I SUGGEST YOU READ THIS ARTICLE OVER HERE and THEN come back so we can continue screaming BUT BASICALLY I?? AM?? SO??? EXCITED??? Hopes are obviously at the LEVEL OF SKY-TOUCHING HEIGHT because HELLO those movies did such injustice AND IT IS TIME THAT PJO IS GIVEN THE PROPER JUSTICE THAT IT DESERVES. Plus Rick Riordan is also working on the script SO THERE’S HOPE and I am living on it, as should you
  • THE COVER FOR MILLION TO ONE WAS RELEASED AND WELL, I may have died of excitement. ALSO THERE’S A HEIST YOU GUYS!! HEIST. ON. THE. TITANIC. *conveniently proceeds to die all over again. MY APOLOGIES* Everything looks so good, LIKE I CANNOT WAIT OKAY

This is actually the first year that I AM KEEPING TRACK OF NEW RELEASES! I mean I’m doing a shitty job of KEPPING TRACK as in arranging them on spreadsheets/ a goodreads shelf and such, BUT I REMEMBER THE DATES OF ONES I’M REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO AND ALSO HOPING TO READ SOME OF THEM! AND ITS EXCITING!

These Deadly Games by Diana Urban [February 1st 2022] – Despite all my claims to the contrary, I am merely human. So it is not me who you blame when I see the words “When she’s not torturing fictional characters” in the author’s bio and add all of said authors books to my TBR LIKE MY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. Plus the synopsis of this sounds VERY MUCH like it will contain some serious character-torturing and what can I say? I LOVE BRINGING MY SOUL ALONG FOR THE TORTUROUS JOURNEY SOMETIMES. Also, Kaya’s review!

Ophelia Ever After by Racquel Marie [February 8th 2022] – I would be COMPLETELY LYING if I didn’t say it was Gauri @ A book and Chai’s amazing review that got this book onto my TBR. THE ENTIRE CONCEPT JUST SOUNDS SO AMAZING + the cover and title also give of MAJOR middle grade vibes?? BUT IT’S A YA GUYS

The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea by Axie Oh [February 22nd 2022] – I am a simple girl. When I see a MINDBLOWINGLY-GORGEOUS cover on goodreads AND PEOPLE SCREAMING ABOUT IT ALL AROUND THE BLOGOSPHERE, I get excited okay?!

Only A Monster by Vanessa Len [February 22nd 2022] – I admit, the synopsis was nowhere near ‘mind blowing genius’ like the rest of the books on here, BUT EVERYONE IS SCREAMING ABOUT IT ON BOOKSTAGRAM and I have read nothing but raving reviews about it, SO WHY THE HELL WOULD I BE SO DUMB AS TO MISS ANOTHER CHANCE OF EXCITEMENT and possible screaming + fangirling JUST IN CASE I’M LUCKY LIKE THAT

This Woven Kingdom by Tahereh Mafi [February 1st 2022] – It’s just – I HEARD FORBIDDEN ROMANCE AND CAME RUNNING OKAY? DON’T JUDGE.

A Lullaby for Witches by Hester Fox [February 1st 2022] – Horror is definitely NOT something I read very often (or, like, EVER. i like to call it an unsaid agreement between the two of us THAT WE DO NOT WORK WITH EACH OTHER, but its mostly a disguise for darker secrets *laughs evilly*) BUT THE SYNOPSIS SOUNDS SO GOOD??!

League of Liars by Astrid Scholte [February 22nd 2022] – 1) DO YOU SEE THAT COVER?????? 2) the synopsis describes it as a ‘fantasy thriller + dark and twisty mystery’, which in common language, translates to INSANE AMOUNTS OF EXCITEMENT (and possible brain combustion)

You Truly Assumed by Laila Sabreen [February 8th 2022] – This has Muslim rep + THE PROTAGONIST RUNS A BLOG, so what do you think do I exist for?? It would be safe to say that I AM INCREDIBLY EXCITED and also a little scared. Uhh, VERY scared?? BECAUSE HEY, EXPECTATIONS, you know?

  • I CREATED SOME NEW GRAPHICS! That you can see in this post if you look CLOSELY. And I think these look much better than the previous ones?? And they also match the theme better because, you know, QUILLS?
  • OH AND I GOT APPROVED FOR AN E-ARC OF ‘HOW MAYA GOT FIERCE’ and I am SO EXCITED FOR IT and had never expected to get approved! Because my Netgalley ratio is TERRIBLE, but shhhh. SO YOU CAN COMPLETELY SEE HOW I GET ACCESS ALL THE SCREAMING RIGHTS. I also got approved for the audio-arc of When you get the Chance and I started it yesterday AND WOW IT’S SO GOOD???! Also the narration is TOP TIER and I feel very lucky right now
  • I reached 300 followers on bookstagram like i mentioned before, AND I AM HONESTLY SO HAPPY!?! Like, HA, me the inexperienced olive BUT I GUESS PEOPLE ARE REALLY KIND LIKE THAT so here’s all of my gratitude (only because i’m feeling kind SO YOU BETTER TAKE IT FAST since I don’t feel kind too often). No but seriously, THANK YOU SO MUCH!
  • I also learnt how to edit photos in December BECAUSE I WAS CLUELESS EARLIER and have been doing that and it’s been FUN!
  • Dipped in Ink reached 100 followers! This actually happened sometime in December and since I AM A FORGETFUL OLIVE and never wrote a wrap-up for the month, WE STEAL A SMALL SPACE FROM JANUARY’S. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU, MY LOYAL OLIVES! I THANK YOU!
  • Okay I think I should stop rambling now
2021 Wrapped Up in Books || Stats + Pie Charts + I steal some questions and answer them + Some excited screaming because isn’t that what i do??

One of the worst things that can ever happen to a bookworm is… THE YEAR END. I mean just thinking about all those books on the TBR pile makes us scream in anguish. But here? WE TALK ABOUT THE POSITIVES. The best books of 2021, and Lazlo Strange, and SOME PIE CHARTS! Involves screaming olives!

An announcement post where:

  • I scream a bit and thank everyone for the olives
  • I ask for some questions before which I also make up a few lies
  • I hand out chocolates (for bribing purposes obviously) and scream about the Raven Boys
  • I cry a little over my non-existent schedule and imagine living in a fantasy world
A smol announcement + Updates on the Olive || Me thanking everyone and asking for questions and also handing out heaps of chocolates because olives are TOO PRECIOUS (and i’m greedy)

The Know Your Buddy Tag || Secrets, surprises and a very special bookworm

This post features: 1) a very special bookworm 2) the many differences between soup and cereal. Basically me and my amazing friend Rachel from A Bookworm’s Paradise do the know your buddy tag together and answer questions regarding cereal and soup. BUT THERE’S OTHER STUFF TOO OBVIOUSLY!

My life is basically top secret because I am a government agent in disguise who investigates ALIEN EXISTENCE so I kind of HAVE THE BEST JOB ON THE PLANET and we’re forbidden from talking about it BECAUSE WE CAN’T HAVE ALL THE PEOPLE FEELING JEALOUS HERE, now can we? Juuuuust kidding! (PROBABLY)

ANYWAY, this is again a random jumble of the olive’s thoughts on life at the moment because LIFE IS CONFUSING and forming proper thoughts based on it is even more confusing AND WE ARE ONIONS who do not do confusing stuff. The un-confusing list:

  • Most of January has just been me crying over how cruel the world is for cancelling the second season of JATP BECAUSE THAT WAS EVIL. It’s been such a huge part of the past year for me, and I LIVE FOR IT and ALSO THAT CLIFFHANGER. I’ve never been as obsessed with any tv show before as I am with JATP and THESE CHARACTERS. AND MY HEART. AND JULIE AND LUKE. And I also desperately wanted to listen to Crooked Teeth. AND NOW NONE OF THAT IS EVER HAPPENING.
  • Everyone has been telling me ALL the Heroes of Olympus spoilers, and HEY NOW I REMEMBER WHY I HATE PEOPLE SO MUCH
  • No, but seriously, I am VERY angry
  • Talking about happier stuff, I WATCHED ENCANTO (mostly because of Kaya’s review, SO I THANK YOU!) AND WOW, I screamed a little. The songs + the family aspect of it AND EVERYTHING ELSE TOO – I LOVED!
  • I then proceeded to realize how much I missed Disney movies and there MIGHT have been a small amount of sobbing involved, BUT POINT IS, that led to me rewatching Zootopia and REMEMBERING MY OBSESSION WITH RABBITS AGAIN + ALL MY FAVORITE SCENES (!!!) namely Nick petting the lamb’s fluffy hair BECAUSE I LOVE THAT
  • Did I ever mention how going to gardens gives me all this new post idea inspiration but since I do not have a paper and pen handy at that time I ALSO FORGET IT ALL LATER. And I’ve been trying to figure out if not getting inspiration in parks or getting inspiration and then forgetting it is better?? THE ONLY PROGRESS I’VE MADE SO FAR IS HAVING MAJOR EXISTENTIAL CRISES EVERY TIME I THINK ABOUT IT
  • I have been COMPLETELY abandoning my WIP lately BECAUSE NO TIME and no promises are being made for the upcoming month BECAUSE FINALS but…. I had planned on doing a NaNoWriMo recap…. umm, 2 MONTHS AGO, but obviously that never happened. SO WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE ONE 2 MONTHS LATE? As in, sometime in February?
  • Yes, my olive, I KNOW how you’re dying for the part where I talk about the rain. SO HERE IT IS. I live in a desert (now don’t go imagining sandy areas with nothing in sight and me travelling on a camel the way I know you’re imagining, THAT IS NOT HOW IT LOOKS) BUT IT RAINED ON THE LAST DAY OF 2021 and what better way to end the year, am I right? SO I RAN AWAY AND PLAYED IN THE RAIN AND GOT DRENCHED AND BECAME A 5 YEAR OLD AND JUMPED IN ALL THE PUDDLES AND IT WAS FUN. THEN I ALSO ATE CAKE. We call it heaven.
  • Catch up on all the comment replies (WOW I panic so much whenever i think of this)
  • Read all the ARCs
  • Post ATLEAST 8 times or the dragon will come to haunt your dreams
  • Reviews needed ON TIME
  • Try not to procrastinate BECAUSE THAT IS BAD
  • Follow schedule on Bookstagram AND ALSO COMMENT REPLIES
  • Mark all the reading stats SO AS NOT TO CRY AT THE YEAR END
  • Finish the Raven Boys series BECAUSE GANSEY

How was your first month of the year?? ANYONE ELSE CRYING OVER JATP??? Favorite books of the month ALSO TELL ME YOUR FIRST READ OF 2022? What are some of your most anticipated releases of February? THOUGHTS WANTED ON THE PJO ADAPTATION NEWS!

Someone tell me WHY this post is 2.5K+ words?? I THINK THE KEYBOARD WAS MISFUNCTIONING A LITTLE. It’s definitely NOT because I just like to ramble a lot. HA, no, I’m a good olive, okay?

46 thoughts on “January Inked on Paper || Tears, olives and the raven boys”

  1. I so can’t wait to read Raven Boys and hopefully fall for its characters like everybody else. And congratulations on all of the followers over on Bookstagram!! I have an account too but only use it for messages and following authors stories atm for book updates. Getting it up & running again is on my to do list for the year though ?
    I hope school goes okay. I’m sure it won’t be as bad as you think.
    And four books is good!! Although I didn’t realise you read more than one at a time. I’ve never actually tried that ?
    I need to check out Heartstopper sometime as I’ve been told there’s an adaptation coming out. And I’m sorry that your fourth book was such a letdown.
    And I agree- don’t mention the Goodreads challenge ? I need to set mine still but I’m dreading it constantly telling me I’m behind target.
    Omg I still need to read Percy Jackson before that adaptation comes out too ??? I will this year though!! And I hadn’t heard of A Million To One but I’m so intrigued. A heist on the Titanic sounds incredible ??
    So it may be weird but I keep track of the releases I’m most excited for by adding them to my phones calender ?
    I’m really excited for most of the books that you mentioned too. And I may already have one of them ? but it was a special edition & on offer so that’s my excuse. And Only A Monster really is everywhere!! I’ll have to check it out as I really don’t want to miss out. I hope you get to read and enjoy all of these.
    Your new graphics look lovely!! And congratulations on the arc. If that’s the book I’m thinking of – the character gets a job at a magazine but they think she’s older than she is – it sounds fantastic.
    Thank you so much for mentioning my post ?? and I apologise for overwhelming your tbr. Glad it helped you find the Dreamer book though!! I’ve only seen it mentioned twice so really hope it gets some more hype soon.
    Have you ever tried Butterbeer?
    And sorry about your show being cancelled. I hate when that happens. Especially with cliffhanger endings.  So frustrating.
    Aww no, not spoilers!! I’m so, so sorry. And I’m glad you enjoyed the rain. We get way too much of it. I’d share it with you if I could.
    Good luck with your goals!! I’m trying to keep on top of comments too. Atm it’s working okay. But I do need to do more blog hopping sometime too. I’ve done some but want to do a bit more.
    February books I’m excited for, other than the ones in my list, include Breathless by Amy McCulloch, Tripping Arcadia & The Embroiderd Book. I hope you have a wonderful month.

  2. There is no particular order for screaming about your w
    I’ve heard loads about the Raven Boys. Desperately want to read it. *quickly adds it to my wish list*
    AND YES I DID HEAR ABOUT THE ADAPTATION. HERE’S ANOTHER LINK https://rickriordan.com/mythomagic/
    your reviews are brutally honest. much appreciated. never going to read The Half-Orphan’s Handbook
    ok, my comment is not as long as Charlotte’s because i’m terrible at this stuff.
    bye! 🙂

    1. YES YES YES YOU MUST!! I hope you love it!!!
      OOOH THANK YOU for the link! i had no idea they were doing an adaptation for Kane Chronicles too, I HAVEN’T READ THAT SERIES YET, but i mean rick riordan?? IT HAS TO BE GOOD OBVIOUSLY.
      ahahah, yes, i definitely suggest you don’t!
      AHH NO, YOU’RE NOT! I STILL LOVE YOUR COMMENT OKAY! It means so much to me that you read the post and took the time to comment <33

            1. YESS I CANNOT WAIT AHH! also you are DEFINITELY showing off and making me jealous SO RUDE! (kidding lol) ALSO WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THEM?? DETAILS PLS

    i've said this 57093573428 times already but i neeed to read Raven Cycle, mainly because you're shrieking about it and getting ME SO HYPED OMG (march, i PrOmIsE)

    btw I LOVE your graphics!! they fit with the entire aesthic wonderfully aaah!!! PRETTY!


    you got approved for an arc?? aah that’s GREAT anoushka!!! dfhjksadhfkjg message me your feelings on bookstagram I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT <3 <3

    ahaa thank you for the shoutout ???
    it's just jan to april releases though, BECAUSE THERE ARE SO MANY DELICIOUS BOOKS RELEASING AAAH

    I THOUGHT YOU WERE AN EMPRESS?? you lied to ME?? the ruler of the universe?? #rude
    also this is going to get you killed mwhahaha (after you post the answers to the Q&A of course)

    what's japt?
    but on the bright side you at least have to read the five books now ahaha-

    ooh, a desert! (i think i know where you live now lmao) IS IT COLD IN WINTER?? ALSO SAND DUNES OMG I LOVE THEM

    ZOOTOPIA OMG THE MEMORIES (i was TERRFIED of it because there was a scary scene i think??)

    why must you give me an existential crisis with you goals ? they're the exact same as mine and i PROCRASTINATE SO MUCH
    yess reading stats are AMAZING to see but the panic at the end of the year?? please no-
    (btw someone in the bookish community has made an excel spreadsheet for reading stats -IT HAS PIE CHARTS- dyou want me to send it to you??)

    my first read of 2022 hmm…. Chain of Iron i think?? put me in a bookish hangover in the best way possible hfjdhdjkghjfdghdfj
    good luck with answering to this extremely looong comment lmao.
    i'm off to read the posts you've linked now <3

    1. OH MY GOSH YAYYYY!! i was afraid everyone hated long posts and would skip them altogether SO I USUALLY END UP CUTTING THEM IN HALF ahahaha but they still end up too long??
      YEAH ASH YOU’RE A LIAR AND YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE AND SO I OBVIOUSLY HAVEN’T HYPED IT ENOUGH. project hype-raven-boys-enough-that-ash-finally-regrets-EVERYTHING is now in motion. YOU SHALL SEE.
      i… still haven’t started it, BUT I DEFINITELY SHALL TELL YOU HOW IT GOES WHEN I READ IT!!
      ahh I’M SO SORRY, i forgot to add that, I SHALL CHANGE IT RN, i’m so sorry ??
      NO I AM STILL AN EMPRESS AND ALWAYS WAS. I DO NOT LIE (unlike you, THE GREAT LIAR) and you’re not the ruler of the universe ash, THAT POSITION IS RESERVED SOLELY FOR ME. also wow, i can now blackmail you with promises of the q&a post YOU HAVE SHOWN ME YOUR WEAKNESS. what about… you start raven boys and i post the answers to the q&a DO WE HAVE A DEAL??

      jatp is actually short for Julie and the phantoms (HAVE YOU WATCHED IT??) I SHOULD HAVE MENTIONED THE FULL FORM, MY APOLOGIES.
      ahahahha actually, i think they’re working the other way. MAYBE IF I DON’T READ THEM FOR LONG ENOUGH, I MIGHT FORGET THE SPOILERS?? at least that is what my brain thinks. but my brain has been known for being dumb.

      ahahah yes i don’t think YOU EVEN HAVE THE SLIGHTEST IDEA MWUAHAHAH (but, like, you know now because i told you?? WHERE DID YOU THINK I LIVED BTW??) yes, it is!! I’VE NEVER SEEN THE SAND DUNES THOUGH. yes. obviously.

      YESSSS. (ahaha there was?? LIKE THE ONE WHERE THEY’RE ON THE TRAIN?? AND ALSO THE ONE IN THE NIGHT?? THEY GO TO SOMEONE’S HOUSE?? I remember being afraid of those too)


      OOOH YOU MAKE ME FEEL AS IF I’M MISSING OUT ON TOO MUCH. but i’m so so glad you loved chain of iron! I MUST READ CASSANDRA CLARE. but like time???

      MWUAHAHAH IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO REPLY I’M SO SORRY, but thank you so much for the amazing comment, IT MADE MY DAY

      yayy, hope you love them! ❤❤

  4. The amount of virtual squealing in this post and enthusiasm convinces me that you did have an awesome month! ?
    I wonder if i should like keep myself updated on new releases because I never do but the amount of excitement it’s giving you talking about them is kinda contagious.
    Also thanks for mentioning me!!!!!! That was like really unexpected for some reason ?. Demumbridge though, didn’t know you’d love it that much ?.
    And congrats on 300 bookstagram followers! Your bookstagram is pretty cool ?.
    Cooooolllllll posttttttttt!!!!
    Ps- I need to read raven boys but fantasy series scare Mee!!!!!!

    1. mwuahahahha i am glad my goals have been accomplised and yes i did indeed have an amazing month! ??
      oh my gosh, REALLY?? thank you!! ALSO YES, 100/10 RECOMMEND FOR EXCITEMENT PURPOSES. even if you end up not reading them anytime soon or, like, EVER, there’s still something to look forward to and scream over and console yourself with when you’re sad. IT’S AMAZING.
      AHHH WHY WOULD YOU THINK SO?? have i not made myself clear that I LOVE YOUR BLOG TOO MUCH?? yes, i have been obsessed with demumbridge since you mentioned it Nehal, definitely blame you completely for the obsession. EVILNESS
      Ps – what if i threaten you with a dagger? would that make the choice of reading raven boys any less scarier? BECAUSE I’D BE GLAD TO THREATEN YOU WITH A DAGGER. no, but pls read it i shall thank you FOREVER

  5. WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THE PJO ADAPTATION, yes. Hopefully it’s not a full scale disaster like the films were, but I trust uncle rick if he’s among the writers. Also, please cast actual children the next time??
    Congrats on 300 bookstagram followers! Your photos look so aesthetic ?

    1. YES. YES WE DO. Exactly. THE PREVIOUS ONES ARE INCREDIBLY DUMB LIKE THAT to the point where it even surpasses hilarity? LIKE THE DETAILS WERE RIGHT THERE. did anyone even bother with the books???

  6. OKAY BUT GANSEY HAS MY WHOLE HEART AND SOUL AND I LOVE THE REST OF THE CREW SO MUCH TOO AND AHHH. um anyways…congrats on 300 bookstagram followers!!! that’s awesome!!! zootopia is SO good and lol i’m anticipating almost all of the same books february is WILD. great post, i hope you have a great february!?

    1. OMG OMG YESSSSSS!! ?❤❤
      Thank you so much Kaya!! YES GLAD YOU LOVE IT TOO!! haha yes! hope you enjoyed the ones you read! Thank youuu

  7. Congrats on 300 bookstagram followers. You have had the most awesome month ?. Hopefully this PJO adaptation will be better. Happy Feb ? Cooooollll possssttt.

    1. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Haha yes I most certainly have ? WE MUST ALL KEEP OUR FINGERS CROSSED! Hope you have an amazing March Dhriti!! And tysm for reading ❤❤

    1. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH PRUTHA!!! Yesss we must all cross our fingers that it ends up being good ahhhh. Hoping that March has been treating you well so far!! ❤❤

  8. i love this post!!!! your enthusiasm about The raven boys is amazing!! i cant wait for your reviews on the entire series!! Yes, im crying over JATP not having another season, like whyyyy??? i read four books in Jan too, im starting Feb with The unbroken


  9. Yay same school shifted back online for me too so that gives me a LOT more time to spend (waste) on the internet and on my kindle.
    Congratulations on 300 bookstagram followers!! i’ve been considering starting my own, lately, so don’t be surprised if i come begging to you for help.
    To all those reading this comment, i’d like you to know that anoushka very conveniently forgot to mention that it was ME because of whom that disney nostalgia came up. yes i expect all that credit, thank you thank you.
    And my post got a mention!! So. Thank you!
    ok no you’re giving me serious fomo because i’ve not read raven boys yet. I”LL DO IT I PROMISE PLEASE LET ME LIVE.

  10. The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea is definitely one of my most anticipated releases, too. That cover?!?! Perfect for fans of Spirited Away?!? That’s all I needed to know. Also, I’ve heard so many people raving about Ophelia after all so that’s another book I’m really excited for.
    I can’t wait for the PJO adaptation and so far, I’m feeling pretty optimistic about it, especially cause Rick Riordan is so involved in it! Hopefully we won’t get disappointed again!!!

    1. YESSS THE COVER IS GORGEOUS!!! I really hope you enjoy both of them and CANNOT WAIT TO HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS!! YESSS RICK RIORDAN = HOPE! And they also can’t end up creating TWO bad adaptations, fans might end up believing the PJO series has been jinxed or something haha

  11. it’s good to see you’re getting back into fantasy!! i usually go through moments when i need a break from all the heavy info stuff.

    feb is really looking to be a great month! i’ve already read this woven kingdom and only a monster and absolutely loved them. i’m really looking forward to league of liars and these deadly games.

    1. hahah yes, that’s pretty much what happened to me to for the past few months, BUT I’M OBSESSED WITH FANTASY AGAIN RN AND LOVING IT!!
      yayyy so so glad to hear it!! hope you enjoy/enjoyed league of liars and these deadly games AND CANNOT WAIT TO HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS!!
      Thank you so much for reading, Chelsea!! ❤

  12. This was such a fun wrap-up, Anoushka!! So much excited screaming – I obviously approve!!! ? Also, I love the new graphics and the new URL (**Yes, I noticed. And yes, .xyz might just be the coolest ending I’ve ever seen**)

    Apart from that, I’m so glad you’ve also discovered the adorable preciousness that are the characters of Heartstopper, and I have decided we just need to focus on our shared loved for them, not the fact that I seem to be the only person in the world not overly obsessed with the Raven Boys (**runs and hides** ?) And of course, I’m also very excited for what will hopefully be a decent Percy Jackson adaptation!!

    Also, Encanto!! ??? “Pressure like a drip, drip, drip that’ll never stop…” Whoops, did I start singing again? ??

    And thanks so much for sharing my post here! I’m honored you enjoyed it enough to include among all of these amazing other ones!!

    (Finally, rest assured that I am a very ashamed olive for dropping by so late ? I read this post much earlier, was kind of in a rush to go to orchestra rehearsal, and then completely forgot to come back and comment on all of this amazingness!)

  13. *distant chanting* Raven boys, Raven boys, Raven boys

    I’m so so so happy that your January went amazing! AND RAIN OH MY GOD RAIN IS AMAZING AND EATING CAKE IS TOO. THANKS FOR MAKING ME CRAVE CAKE.

    HEARTSTOPPER!! heartstopper is sooo cuteeeee. NOW GO READ RADIO SILENCE HAHHAHA!

    The PJO adaption better not be a complete train wreck like last time. Burnette Annabeth will forever haunt my dreams. ANd the fact that they strayed completely from the plot?? UGHHH. IT BETTER NOT HAPPEN AGAIN. ?

    and oh my goddd I have so many new releases piling up on my tbr, and you’re out here keeping track of them?!?!? *sobs in unproductivity* I’M LITERALLY SO EXCITED TO READ OPHELIA AFTER ALL IT LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL.
    CONGRATULATIOONSSS ON 300 INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS!! I’ve seen your photos and GIRL THEY ARE SO STUNNING AND MAGNIFICENT. I don’t have instagram but I would totally follow you if I did!!

    adore the new graphics!!! quills make everything better! and it like perfectly matches your blog’s name hahaha.
    and yay, congrats on getting approved for an arc!! I signed up for netgally a while ago but never opened my account after that oOps~

    THANK YOU FOR MENTIONING MY POST OMG YOU IS SO KIND ?? and all the other posts you’ve mentioned sound wonderful , ahhhh going to go and read them all nowww.


    *we Don’T taLk aboUt bruNo nO noO nO*
    Zootopia is one of my favvouritee movies ever I”M STILL COMPLETELY OBSESSED WITH IT!
    thinking about responding to comments gives a mini panic attack won’t lie, I’ve just left so many of them to pile up.

    LOVED READING YOUR WRAP UP ANOUSHKA!!! have a great February!!

  14. […] The Emoji-Machine: The Nehal-type who uses multiple emojis and basically makes everyone crack up (which is not nice when the reader in question is supposed to be in the middle of bio paying attention and they suddenly burst out laughing for no apparent reason and get scolded by the teachers BUT AMAZING OTHERWISE) This type is an emoji-creating machine whose life’s ambition is making all of us emoji-haters out there love emojis (completely working by the way) and is extremely entertaining.This was given by Anoushka @Dipped In Ink. […]

  15. I’m super excited for the Percy Jackson adaptation (but also yes, they deserve so much justice even though I will admit I liked the movies… on their own… but I was small, so my judgement probably wasn’t the greatest… we don’t speak of younger me though).

    I actually need to get back to reading The Raven Boys at some point down the line, but every time I attempt to, another book or two wants my attention and it’s really just an endless cycle. (I did read it… in audiobook, but that was honestly the worst experience my ears have ever experienced and I think the series deserves a reread for the pain my ears went through because of the narration.)

    Congrats on getting 300 bookstagram followers! Good luck on your goals for February

    1. YES, WE MUST ALL CROSS OUR FINGERS THAT THEY END UP BEING AMAZING (ahaha i won’t hold it against you, BECAUSE I’M KIND. also YES, i kind of have to agree that they WERE pretty entertaining. BUT THEY ALSO INSULTED THE BOOK?? so like idk?)

      ahhh i hope you love it!! (oh no, I’M SO SORRY THE NARRATION WAS SO BAD ?? but i definitely hope you enjoy it much better on your reread!!)

      THANK YOU SO MUCH!! ❤❤

  16. CONGRATS ON 300 FOLLOWERS!!! The Raven Boys so unique and omg the gang is EVERYTHING. Gansey, Noah, Blue, Adam, and Ronan are literally my faves.
    If the Percy Jackson adaptation isn’t like the books I will RIOT. I reallyyyy hope Percy breaks the fourth wall a few times LOL.
    Yay, I’m so glad you enjoyed Encanto! We Don’t Talk About Bruno won’t leave my head haha. Hope you have a wonderful March!?

      Hahaha yes SAME!! Hope you have an amazing March too ❤❤

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