Books I HAVE to read before the end of 2021 or suffer the dire consequences that come in the form of threats from the bookworm community || My TBR for the LAST (!!!) month of this unglorious year + ~ eXPeCtAtiONs ~

Let me tell you a soul – crushing secret.

The year has flown past and you haven’t even yet noticed. Only a month left, and then 2022 will be upon you, quietly watching as you throw yourself unwillingly into it, mourning the loss of the past year. (and, obviously, all these rules do not apply to me, because I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE OLIVE POPULATION, and time works differently like that)

Continue reading “Books I HAVE to read before the end of 2021 or suffer the dire consequences that come in the form of threats from the bookworm community || My TBR for the LAST (!!!) month of this unglorious year + ~ eXPeCtAtiONs ~”

Get to know the Fantasy Reader Tag || Because I am queen

Hello, my cool little beans of the universe. 

It is a well-known fact that fantasy is obsession around here and swords are the reason for existence and fantasy characters are evil little munchkins that we shall forever love for the rest of our lives. BUT Fantasy was kind of being neglected and I felt bad for being that wicked and not talking about it as much as I should, SO I decided to do the fantasy reader tag because tags were being neglected too (but that’s okay because I don’t care about tag’s feelings #evil and I like being wicked like that). But we shall stop here and start with the actual stuff that matters. So, I saw this tag over on Ashmita’s blog and also Cherry’s blog and IT JUST LOOKS SO AMAZING, AND TO KEEP MY REPUTATION AS QUEEN OF FANTASY READERS, I HAD TO DO IT TOO.

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[Book Review]: Not my Problem || Sorry for the long absence, but I AM BACK!!! and I bring along a new favorite. And also desperately in need of a SEQUEL??!!

So. Some of you little olives might be wondering where I’d disappeared to.

Or maybe not because you don’t care enough *sobs* THE BETRAYAL!!! THE BETRAYAL! But I like to assume someone still cares someone? anyone? no? *continues sobbing* SO RUDE, and so I come prepared to answer you with… um… excuses?

  • NaNoWriMo! I’m humiliatingly behind on my word count goal, but IT HAS BEEN SO MUCH FUN! And what can I say, I’ve been busy writing or the lack thereof. shhh, you do not give away my secrets like that and blogging has been pushed back, back, back, to the very back of the dusty dark little cupboard filled to the brim with human eating spiders. We’ll leave it at that.
  • Exams! And school! With offline school starting and exams taking over my existence, it has been BUSY, but exams are now over *cheers* studying is forgotten until the end of the year when we shall all start stressing over undone biology assignments together, and BASICALLY I’M BACK HERE FILLED WITH SO MUCH EXCITEMENT.
  • I’ve been reading! After terrible reading months of 2 books *runs away* I’ve been trying to make some time to read because I do not like being humiliated like that. And it’s actually been going pretty good! And that brings us to the main reason of writing this post (apart from telling you how disappointed I am that no one missed me, obviously) I HAVE FOUND A NEW FAVORITE BOOK TO CONTINUE MY OBSESSION OVER AND TORTURE PEOPLE INTO READING! Welcome the one and only – Not my Problem by Ciara Smyth! (READ IT)
Continue reading “[Book Review]: Not my Problem || Sorry for the long absence, but I AM BACK!!! and I bring along a new favorite. And also desperately in need of a SEQUEL??!!”

September Inked on Paper || late wrap – ups are my tradition, okay?! And I was busy


How DO people stick to schedules?* I NEED TO KNOW YOUR SECRETS, because it would be really helpful for many things such as:

  • writing monthly recaps on time (seriously, this one is SO on time, I am the most punctual human on Earth, I can’t even – WHY. IS. THIS. SO. LATE???)
  • reading ARC’s before they expire
  • reading library books before they have to be returned (WHY DO I HAVE TO RETURN THEM AT ALL?? this is such an unfair world)
  • Going to bed early so that you do not accidentaly doze off while you’re supossed to be learning about cell structures
  • not studying for tests 5 minutes before class because YOU FORGOT
  • not forgetting to breathe because ugh, I need to live
  • publishing blog posts on time
  • not losing memory
Continue reading “September Inked on Paper || late wrap – ups are my tradition, okay?! And I was busy”

[Blog Tour]: City of Shattered Light || Reasons to read + Reactions + Me being a generally excited bookworm

Featured Image for blog tour of City of Shattered Light


For lack of anything better to say, let me just welcome you to my blog and my tour stop for City of Shattered Light by Claire Winn and no, I am DEFINITELY NOT skipping the intro because I do not want to talk about how I’ve pretty much disappeared from the blogosphere for the past week or so. Thank you to the Author, Netgalley and TBR and Beyond Tours for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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August Inked on Paper || School, homework, reading slump + some snippets from my WIP!!

August is over and… school and time have signed a deal to help each other torture me together *sigh*

Monthly wrap ups are my most favorite posts to write. Because I can look back at how unproductive I’ve been over the month and I love looking back. I also get to talk about life in general and I like that, and I can write LONG posts and I love long posts because it gives me more time and space to ramble on about nothing, and I love that too. *glares* So, welcome to my first monthly wrap up on Dipped in Ink!

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explanations, introductions, and restarting (??) my blog // certain lifely things and an all-o’er-the-place post

the person writing this is currently a melted ice candy due to the unbearable heat and the air conditioner that isn’t working.

i can tell you from personal experience that being a melted ice candy isn’t the best thing in the world. you miss out on all the important things in the world. like:

  • reading books you’ve already read for the 274th time just because you can
  • writing words into the heartless void
  • talking about all the books you’ve always meant to write and about how desperately you love the crows. BECAUSE THEY’RE LIFE GOSHDARNIT
  • typing faster than your fingers can keep up and then ending up with numb hands that do nothing. (this is a nightly occurrence around here and i still haven’t learnt my lesson)
  • screaming. about the unfairness of real life and everything it entails. (ice candies don’t have mouths capable of spouting off words ok)
  • crying a little.
Continue reading “explanations, introductions, and restarting (??) my blog // certain lifely things and an all-o’er-the-place post”