April Inked on Paper || Wherein dragons scream, I devour words and slowly reclaim my title as bookworm extraordinaire (i’ve been living in heaven basically. DON’T SCREAM)

“Sometimes if you tell yourself enough times that something the world believes to be a lie, IS ACTUALLY THE TRUTH, then perhaps you shall end up believing it. But you must remind yourself enough times obviously. THAT IS KEY.”

At least, that’s what they say. And I kind of hate them (better known as ‘people with weird sayings that are obviously lies because they also contradict other people with weird sayings, which is MAYBE the way this world works? BUT YOU CANNOT FOOL ME OKAY #genius) so today we shall try out aforementioned saying that is staring you down at this very second in HUGE BLACK LETTERS DEMANING ATTENTION (look above, folks)

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Pretty Deadly Words: A Deadly Introduction || Where you shall encounter daggers, stories and the like || ALSO HI I’M BACK

One of the worst moments in a supossedly mortal* human’s life is when said human has to answer to why they’ve been ignoring everything and they find out that they haven’t yet been kidnapped by a volcra SO THEY MUST ACTUALLY THINK UP EXCUSES FOR SAID DISAPPEARANCE. (#1 way to lose your faith in the volcra race by the way)

So in a painful turn of events, I currently happen to be that fortunate human who just lost faith in the volcra and thefore have to think up excuses that do not involve me being busy, because honestly speaking, i wasn’t. At least not in the normal, buried-under-my-science-assignments kind of way. More like the I-was-busy-being-queen-and-therefore-magnificent kind of way. Which is perhaps the best excuse I can give at the moment. Apart from me drowning under words and taking over the world and silently convincing ash to read the raven boys. The normal stuff.

Continue reading “Pretty Deadly Words: A Deadly Introduction || Where you shall encounter daggers, stories and the like || ALSO HI I’M BACK”

Hiii the olive queen’s still alive and hasn’t been kidnapped by a volcra, contrary to popular belief || Why you thought the volcra kidnapped me + Life Updates + I’M GOING TO INDIA WHICH IS HIGHLY EXCITING

One of the most amazing creatures in all the world, apart from dragons obviously (WHICH ARE THE SUPERIOR-EST because umm, FLYING??? FIRE-BREATHING??? KILLING PEOPLE??? CONQUERING THE WORLD??? BEING AMAZING ALL THE TIME??? DID I MENTION FLYING??? SEE? Superior!) are VOLCRA.

I have reasons prepared. Because we’re high on tyranny here and therefore convincing people to accept the queen’s opinions is NECESSARY. The reasons go along the lines of such:

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January Inked on Paper || Tears, olives and the raven boys

In a very unexpected turn of events, January ended up being pretty amazing.

I mean what do you call:

  • Getting back into Fantasy and devouring them ALL
  • FINDING A NEW FAVORITE AND SCREAMING ABOUT IT (we’re talking about the raven boys, if you had not guessed that already)
  • It rained here after 2736728292910* years of no rain (EXCITEMENT)
  • Reaching 300 followers on bookstagram
  • Not having to go to school because IT WAS ALL ONLINE
  • Getting obsessed with the raven boys and GANSEY
  • Drowning in gorgeously written books
Continue reading “January Inked on Paper || Tears, olives and the raven boys”

The Know Your Buddy Tag || Secrets, surprises and a very special bookworm

Today’s post is going to feature: 1) a very special bookworm 2) the many differences between soup and cereal.

And other things too obviously, but these are the HIGHLIGHTS.

So, about that special bookworm we were talking about? YES. I SHALL COME TO THAT. Patience, my olives, PATIENCE! We first need to talk about how I have successfully regained my title as the Queen of Fantasy by unapologetically gobbling up all the fantasy books in sight. OH AND ALSO MY NEW-FOUND OBSESSION WITH GANSEY IS WORTH MENTIONING (but I think I have already screamed about the raven boys here, SO THAT SHALL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL I HAVE ENOUGH SENSE TO WRITE A REVIEW) and O K A Y, I think it’s pretty obvious that my attempts at creating suspense are on the verge of miserable failure and since I have ALSO ran out of things to say (I MEAN WE COULD ALWAYS SCREAM ABOUT THE RAVEN BOYS SOME MORE but you probably do not want that) we shall begin.

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A smol announcement + Updates on the Olive || Me thanking everyone and asking for questions and also handing out heaps of chocolates because olives are TOO PRECIOUS (and i’m greedy)

Sometimes… you wish you could live in a fantasy world.

Like, if you said you never once wished to go to Camp Half-blood, then I’d arrive at either one of two conclusions – 1) You’re a demigod AND HIDING IT FROM ALL OF US (which is just #rude) or 2) YOU AREN’T HUMAN.
See? How easily just one simple, seemingly unimportant question can BASICALLY UNCOVER ALL OF YOUR DEEPEST, DARKEST SECRETS!

Continue reading “A smol announcement + Updates on the Olive || Me thanking everyone and asking for questions and also handing out heaps of chocolates because olives are TOO PRECIOUS (and i’m greedy)”

2021 Wrapped Up in Books || Stats + Pie Charts + I steal some questions and answer them + Some excited screaming because isn’t that what i do??

There are extremely FEW reasons why the year end is a GOOD time for a bookworm.

Most of the time you can find them crying in dark corners and complaining about unread releases to dusty curtains and also attempting to conquer TBRs despite all the efforts made of convincing them to do the contrary. However, since we are trying to be oPtIMiStIc here, some reasons why bookworms can be happy creatures even during year ends:

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How books can mess with your mind || The dangers of reading a good book: A comprehensive list

I think it’s a well-known fact at this point that this blog is a place where we discuss all the reasons PEOPLE SHOULD NOT READ.

I did that one post about all the reasons bookworms are major threats to the world a long time ago and have also been suspected of providing tips for murdering TBR’s. And today we are talking about all the dangers of reading. I am seriously re-considering (and possibly crying over) all my life decisions at this point, most of which happen to involve creating inhumanely huge TBR stacks, buying bucketloads of books instead of more chocolates, and spending hours in a library each weekend, while simultaneously having an existential crisis. I don’t understand this world.

Continue reading “How books can mess with your mind || The dangers of reading a good book: A comprehensive list”

An Olive’s Guide to Celebrating Christmas || featuring penguins, snow ball fights, CANDY and a step-by-step guide to kidnapping mango trees

It’s here! It’s FINALLY here! Winter break has started! Christmas is right round the corner! AND IT IS SNOWING!

And so, I may ask, WHAT ARE YOU DOING SITTING INSIDE OVER HERE, READING THIS, INSTEAD OF GOING OUT AND SHOWING THE WORLD WHO’S THE SNOW BALL FIGHTING BOSS, HMM? Or raiding an entire candy shop and stuffing your face with chocolate?? Or kidnapping christmas trees or presents or books or gingerbread houses from the old lady down the street, or stockings or rudolph the raindeer’s red nose and then painiting it blue because that will be fun, or libraries OR WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT.

Continue reading “An Olive’s Guide to Celebrating Christmas || featuring penguins, snow ball fights, CANDY and a step-by-step guide to kidnapping mango trees”

October + November Inked on Paper || Stalking cats, losing NaNo (oops), reading practically non-existent, and me just being an evil little olive

It is that time of the month again that I spend all my days waiting for – the month end has arrived!

I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this before (It might have come up in conversation a few time, i guess? No?) but reading Monthly Wrap Ups makes me insanely delighted and it has reached to so huge an extent that it is probably unhealthy at this point. But there’s just something about these wonderful, beautiful, untamed wild beasts the blogging community likes to lovingly refer to as Wrap-Ups that they make my mouth water, and make me jump up and down in anticipation. In short, it is – AMAZING.

Continue reading “October + November Inked on Paper || Stalking cats, losing NaNo (oops), reading practically non-existent, and me just being an evil little olive”